
“Decoding the Driftless” awarded “Best Picture” and “Best Cinematography” by Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards

March 11, 2019 LOS ANGELES, CA – The Midwest-produced feature-length documentary film, Decoding the Driftless, has been named “Best Picture” and “Best Cinematography” in the Documentary Feature category by the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards (LAIFFA). Emmy Award-winning filmmakers George Howe and Tim Jacobson

“Decoding the Driftless” Film Premieres to Capacity Crowd

More than a thousand see the film, hundreds more turned away LA CROSSE, WI – For a new documentary film, Decoding the Driftless, which premiered on September 26, 2018, the nearly 1,200-seat main theater at Viterbo University was packed, with some audience members left standing,

Decoding the Driftless to Premiere in La Crosse, WI

Upcoming World Premiere of Decoding the Driftless Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:00 p.m. - Viterbo University Fine Arts Center - Main Theatre Emmy Award-winning filmmakers George Howe and Tim Jacobson of Sustainable Driftless and Rob Nelson of Untamed Science have teamed up again to produce

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